“Let us be generous with our time in going to meet Jesus and ready to make reparation for the great evils of the world. Let your adoration never cease.”
- Pope John Paul II, Dominicai Cenae
Eucharistic Adoration is a sign of devotion to and worship of Jesus Christ truly present, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in the Blessed Sacrament. Jesus Christ, in the consecrated host, is displayed in a special holder called a monstrance and members of the faithful come to pray and worship Jesus continually throughout the day and night.
Our Adoration Chapel, located to the left as you enter the first set of doors to the church, is open 24/7 except during weekday Masses and during Sunday Masses, 8:00 AM to noon. Because Christ may never be left alone exposed in the monstrance, we try to have at least two adorers at each hour (prayer partners) in case one adorer is unable to be present.
Parishioners may also visit the chapel without being scheduled during the daytime hours before 10:00 PM. Please click on Guest on the iPad screen and type in your name to sign in. There is no sign out necessary.
For more information: Contact Steve House, 612-968-8504 or [email protected]
We always welcome new adorers!
Parishioners may sign up for a regular commitment of one hour a week at any day or hour they choose, or as a substitute. View our current openings and sign up online on our We Adore Him webpage.
Other opportunities for Adoration include our monthly Mercy Nights, on first Thursdays from October through May. From 7:00 to 8:00 PM, Jesus is exposed in the monstrance on our main altar in the church, with live praise and worship music and opportunities for Confession and Prayer Ministry. Childcare is available and everyone is welcome; stay as little or as long as you want.