There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit. – 1 Corinthians 12:4-7
How many times have you heard that God is never outdone in generosity? It’s true—and He has given each of us the gifts we need to carry out His plan for our lives! The Called and Gifted Workshop is coming to St. Michael on Saturday, October 12, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM, in St. Joseph Hall. This is great opportunity for all parishioners to explore the ancient teachings of the Church on how the gifts (or charisms) of the Holy Spirit work in your lives and in the life of your parish.
Led by Called and Gifted facilitators Jona Winkelman and parishioner Christina Krutza, the day-long workshop is the first step in a three-part discernment process developed by the Catherine of Siena Institute:
Part One is the workshop itself, which includes the Catholic Spiritual Gifts Inventory that helps individuals identify where the Holy Spirit may be working through them.
Part Two is a one-hour interview, looking more closely at your individual inventory results.
Part Three helps you continue your discernment in the real world, including identifying ways in which you learned to control life as a child are getting in the way your charisms as an adult.
Why does this matter? Understanding the gifts we have from the Holy Spirit helps us to find our unique, God-given purpose in this life and how best to carry it out. When we live in the Spirit, using the gifts He provides, our work is life-giving, both to those we serve and to ourselves. Plus, learning what God is calling us to do empowers us to say no to commitments and obligations that might be good, but are not the greatest good He wants for us!
I would love to see St. Joseph Hall filled with St. Michael parishioners seeking the Lord’s will in their lives and the gifts to carry it out. The cost for the workshop is $95 per person, including materials, lunch, refreshments, and guidance and support for personal discernment. Register online today at