Today is the Memorial of St. Vincent de Paul. It is also fundraising season in our surrounding communities, with Friends of the Poor, the St. Michael Catholic School Marathon, Youth Ministry fundraisers, and more going on all at once. Nonetheless, we had a record turnout for the walk on Sunday, with 108 walkers. We've also raised more than $11K and counting -- not including more than $2,200 in sponsorships and donations that offset the entire cost of the event, including yard signs and giveaway items!
The top two fundraisers for the Friends of the Poor (FoP) Walk (and the winners of the Golden and Silver Shoes Awards, respectively) were Rob and Jeanne VanDrasek (in first place, pictured with FoP organizer Jim Thorp) and the Traynor tribe (in second, pictured with St. Vincent de Paul Conference President Rob VanDrasek.
This may sound like a lot of money, but the need in eastern Wright County and the surrounding communities is great. Already this year, the local Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) has provided more than $65,000 in financial assistance to neighbors in need, including the homeless in our area and families seeking help with rent, utilities, and other bills.
Bottom line: SVdP thanks you for your support! You can still contribute at And please check out our sponsors and donors in the comments below and thank them in whatever way you can!