'Tis the season: Christmas preparations are in full swing this weekend at St. Michael Catholic School (StMCS) with the Knights of Columbus (KC) Tree Lot, the annual Christmas Market arts and crafts sale, the KC St. Nicholas Party, and more!
The annual StMCS Christmas Market is this Saturday, 9:00 AM-2:00 PM. Shop a big selection of crafted items; visit concessions for breakfast, lunch, and more; have your gifts wrapped for free; and visit Santa 11:00 AM-1:00 PM.
The KCs' annual St. Nicholas Party is Saturday evening at 6:00 PM at the school. Fun for children of all ages, the evening includes dinner, raffles, activities, caroling, and a visit from St. Nicholas!
And the KC Christmas Tree Lot continue at the StMCS parking lot 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM on saturday and 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Sunday, with proceeds supporting our school, youth ministries, and more here in our community!
Finally, Scrip gift cards in support of StMCS can be ordered through noon on December 7 and still be received in time for Christmas. Scrip offers gift cards for more than 750 brands; purchase them at face value, and StMCS receives funds from the brand. Simply fill out the order form on our website, make checks payable to St. Michael Catholic School, and drop them both off at the parish office by Wednesday, December 7, at noon. Gift cards will be available for pick up starting Friday, December 16, at the parish office.