Everyone is invited to Winterfest on Saturday and Sunday, February 1-2, in the church’s social hall and gymnasium, featuring our second annual Casino Night with games of chance for all skill levels!
The fun begins Saturday at 5:30 PM with a Lasagna Dinner ($15 for adults; $10 for children under 12) in the social hall and a Bake Sale and raffle tickets sales after the 5:00 PM Mass. Winterfest raffle tickets are $10 each for a chance to win $5,000 cash, one of two $500 prizes, or $one of two $250 prizes!
Casino Night kicks off at 6:30 PM, featuring blackjack, poker, and more, plus a cash bar and plenty of room to socialize after dinner.
Got kids? We have options! On Saturday, 6:30-8:30 PM, children age 4 and older are invited to watch one of two movies, Horton Hears a Who or Bolt, followed by games downstairs while their parents enjoy Casino Night upstairs (sponsored by Catholic United Financial).
Winterfest continues on Sunday with the Bake Sale and raffle ticket sales after the morning Masses until 4:00 PM. Bingo and double meat raffles begin at 1:30 PM. The main raffle drawing will be at 4:45 PM, and you do not need to be present to win.
Questions? Contact the parish office at 763-497-2745. We hope to see you there!