As Catholics, we believe that prayer enables us to communicate and be in relationship with God, make our needs and desires known to Him, and call upon the saints for intercession and support. St. Michael Catholic Church is home to a number of prayer-centered ministries that support the mission of our parish and school and the needs of parishioners and their families.
Eucharistic Adoration
Eucharistic Adoration is a sign of devotion to and worship of Jesus Christ, who is truly present—Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity—in the Blessed Sacrament. Nearly 24/7, a consecrated Host is exposed and displayed in a special vessel called a monstrance, with members of the faithful present and praying continually throughout the day and night.
Father Brian Park calls the Adoration Chapel the “engine room” of our parish.
“All our strength comes from prayer, and people praying with Jesus around the clock powers all the ministries that support our mission,” he says. “It’s also like a spiritual greenhouse: Adoration helps a soul grow tremendously in a shorter period of time.”
Our Adoration Chapel, located to the left as you enter the first set of main doors to the church, is open except during weekday Masses and during Sunday morning Masses, 8:00 AM to noon. New adorers are always welcome. Parishioners may sign up for a regular commitment of one hour a week at any day or hour they choose, or as a substitute. Parishioners may also visit the chapel without being scheduled during the daytime hours until 10:00 PM. For more information, contact coordinator Steve House at 612-968-8504 or [email protected].
Daily Rosaries
The rosary is one of the most powerful weapons in our spiritual arsenal, and reflecting on the mysteries of the life of Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the greatest aids in the pursuit of a fruitful spiritual life. The rosary is prayed daily at St. Michael Catholic Church, generally right before or right after one of the Masses.
The parish needs volunteers to lead the rosary every day of the week. The time commitment is 20 minutes. Leaders volunteer for as little as once per month, or weekly if desired. If you feel called to bring this devotion to others by leading the rosary in our church, contact Peggy Steinert at 612-644-4088 or [email protected].
Prayer Ministry Teams
Here at St. Michael, Prayer Ministry consists of individuals who have been discerned, selected, and trained to come alongside the recipient to petition the Lord on his or her behalf. The team may offer words of wisdom or knowledge, gifts of healing or prophesy, and more. Each recipient is advised to take what they receive through the Prayer Ministry team to personal prayer and reflect upon it in his or her heart.
While anyone can receive prayer, unlike most other parish ministries, parishioners cannot simply volunteer to be on a Prayer Ministry team. It involves careful discernment, ongoing formation, and spiritual guidance. Prayer Ministry is offered on the second Sunday of the month after the 9:00 AM Mass and on the second and fourth Tuesdays after the 6:30 PM Mass, as well as events like Mercy Night.
Two additional types of prayer are also offered here at St. Michael:
Archdiocesan Healing Prayer Ministry, using the Unbound model—please check the kiosk in the gathering space for information or contact one of our priests.
Healing the Whole Person, using the model developed by Dr. Bob Schuchts, is available by contacting Mary Vandal at 763-228-8288 or [email protected].
Questions about Prayer Ministry may be directed to Karen Polaschek at 763-458-5259. You may also schedule personal, private prayer by calling 763-308-5003.
Purgatorial Society
The newest of our prayer-focused ministries, the Purgatorial Society, seeks to empty Purgatory of all the Holy Souls through individual prayer, fasting, and indulgences. The society’s goals include:
A Rosary and Chaplet at each funeral for the deceased
Four Masses per year for the intention of the souls in Purgatory
A monthly fast, as simple or rigorous as the individual chooses
One Rosary per week for souls in Purgatory
An indulgence per month
Each member is responsible for his or her own choices of prayer, fasting, and indulgences. For more about indulgences or the Purgatorial Society itself, visit If you are interested in joining, email [email protected].This article appears in the Winter 2023 edition of the DISCIPLE newsletter. If you are not receiving DISCIPLE in your mailbox, contact the parish office at 763-497-2745 to register as a parishioner or update your contact information.