All are invited to join the Eucharistic Procession on Sunday, June 11, at the end of the 11:00 AM Mass. We will process with Jesus in the monstrance to four specially prepared altars where Father will proclaim a gospel message and give the blessing of Christ himself to those gathered and also out to the whole world.
The procession consists of priests, deacons, seminarians, altar servers and congregants. Depending on the weather, the procession may include going to the Rosary Garden by the parish school. It will conclude back inside the church with benediction. Refreshments will follow. Please plan on joining in this wonderful celebration.
2023 First Communicants are invited and encouraged to participate in the Corpus Christi Procession. Girls-please come dressed in your Sunday First Communion dress and boys in your First Communion outfit.
Volunteers and Donations: If you would like to help out for the procession, we need four people to carry the processional canopy and three adults to help out in the crosswalks during the procession.
If you are interested in volunteering or donating flowers, please contact Steve Long at 612-328-1544 or Cindy Woitalla, ext 232, at the parish office. We hope to see you there!