Last weekend’s Winterfest was a great success, with strong attendance for Saturday night’s spaghetti dinner and our best turnout ever for meats raffles and bingo on Sunday. The bake sale generated record sales, and overall, this year’s Winterfest broke $40,000 in gross income for the first time ever.
It takes a lot of people to put this event together, and we appreciate all the support. Some of the people who worked this event have done this for over 20 years. We would like to thank the following people and businesses for their support:
Dehmer’s Meats, for donating more than $160 in meat for the meat raffle
Our youth in STMA Catholic Youth Ministry, who do the heavy lifting in so many areas during the entire weekend
Lisa Bursey and Charleen Zachman, who took care of the bake sale Saturday afternoon and all day Sunday
Mary Beth Long and Bunny Fehn, who handled the meat raffle and bingo.
Rick Petrich for organizing the meat raffle
Marilyn and Mike Miller, for preparing food and serving the dinner
The Rogers and St. Michael cinemas for donating popcorn
Scott Ellingson for working the raffle on Sunday
Jeff Rooney and John Delander for calling the meat raffle and bingo
Brian Bruner for handling the coffee for the spaghetti dinner
The parish staff, for all their support with advertising and facilities
And the Finance Committee and trustees Kathy Rotenberger and Steve Long for their leadership and tireless service.
Finally, congratulations to our Winterfest Raffle winners:
Mark Gremmels: $1,500
Options for Women | Cornerstone: $750
Jennifer Fischer: $500
Steve & Joan Panuska: $250
Thank you to everyone who came out to enjoy this year’s activities! We look forward to next year having this event in the new social hall. If you are interested in helping with next year’s weekend, please contact the parish office at 763-497-2745 to be added to the volunteer list.