In the past, Catholic churches were built, not just with the financial contributions of parishioners, but with raw material from their lands, the sweat of their brows, and the hard work of local laborers and artisans. That tradition lives on today in a modified form—especially for Fehn Companies.
The local Society of St. Vincent de Paul and our Sharing and Caring Hands ministry provides opportunities to exercise the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy.
All parishioners are invite to The Festival of Light: Preparing the Way for the Light of Christ, this Monday, December 13, at 6:30 PM, at St. Michael Catholic Church.
Deacon Mike Engel was ordained Saturday and assisted at the altar for the first time Sunday. Both events are recorded for those who would like to watch.
On December 11-12, donate to the Retirement Fund for Religious. Put your gift in the special envelope at the end of pews next weekend and place it in the regular collection.
Fill out a Scrip order form, make checks payable to St. Michael Catholic school, and drop off at the parish office. The deadline for Christmas purchases is Friday, December 10, at noon. Gift cards will be available for pick up starting Friday, December 17, at the parish office.