Sunday's St. Vincent de Paul Friends of the Poor Walk attracted 108 walkers and raised more than $11K and counting, not including more than $2,200 in sponsorships and donations!
The Appalachia Christmas Mission and Papal Footprints Shoebox collections are now underway until October 16. A flyer with gift ideas and the drop-off box are in the gathering space.
Let us ask Christ to free us from making that same mistake. May we have the eyes to see our own need for conversion and the necessity of striving to follow the teachings of Scripture and the Church, without demanding yet more.
We are celebrating the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel, our great patron, this weekend at the 5:00 PM Vigil Mass on Saturday and all four Sunday Masses. The Friend of the Poor Walk is this Sunday at 12:30 PM. Join us!
Options for Women | Cornerstone is hosting its Oktoberfest for Life celebration; admission is $25 per person (kids 6 and under are free) with a family maximum of $75.
Tertullian, writes that the pagan Romans observed early Christians and were astonished, saying, “See how they love each other!” We who are blessed by God with so much are called to give generously of ourselves, our time, and our wealth.
Music Ministry is seeking adults (high school and older) and youth (grades 4-8) to rehearse with our adult and youth choirs and sing at 9:00 AM Masses. Get details and sign up at