In Sunday's bulletin column, Father Park introduces the gospel of Luke, the focus of this new liturgical year's gospel readings and our Winter Bible Study!
On the weekend of December 14- 15, all families are invited to bring the figurines of Baby Jesus from their Nativity sets to church for a special blessing after the Saturday evening or Sunday Masses.
In last Sunday's bulletin column, Father Park shares our history of Catholic education and a sneak peek at how we're planning to celebrate St. Michael Catholic School's 150th anniversary!
In the Fall 2024 issue of DISCIPLE, Father Brian Park and Director of Evangelization and Formation Bob Swift reflect on the Eucharistic Revival and its impact here at home.
This column is part of a new, weekly series from Jim Thorp on what the Lord is doing in his heart, to encourage the virtue of charity and the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. Come back each Wednesday to read the latest!
In Sunday's bulletin, Bob Swift shares the outlook and needs for this year's large OCIA class (formerly RCIA) -- the formational pathway by which a person comes into full communion with the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.
This fall, Holy Spirit Academy in Monticello formalized a new partnership with St. Michael to expand access to Catholic education for teens in the northwest metro.
This column is part of a new, weekly series from Jim Thorp on what the Lord is doing in his heart, to encourage the virtue of charity and the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. Come back each Wednesday to read the latest!
In a the first installment of a new, weekly column, Jim Thorp shares what the Lord is doing in His heart in terms of practicing charity -- and what we can learn from the account of blind Bartimaeus about living on the Lord's time.
Come to the 20th annual All Saints Eve Celebration at the St. Albert Parish Center on Thursday, October 31, 6:00-7:30 PM. Mass is being offered at 5:30 PM.
SERVANT LEADERSHIP: In last Sunday's column, Bob Swift explores what it means to be a leader in God's kingdom, as opposed to our own world. Jesus presents a very different model!